My Alaska Research Adventure

This is the first of a series of blog posts I hope to post throughout the summer describing my research experiences at my field site in Alaska. I’m going to try and post once a week throughout the field season (June-August) about my experiences and experiments. Stay tuned, and follow along on either this blog,Continue reading “My Alaska Research Adventure”

Officially a Doctor

As of May 10, 2014 I am officially a doctor. After ten years of college I’m finally officially finished and now am a doctor of philosophy in soil science. It feels great to be finished. I want to give a special thanks to all of my family and friends that have supported me through gradContinue reading “Officially a Doctor”

Groundhog Day Field Work

I made a trip to my research site on Groundhog Day. Before I tell you about the trip, I’ll first give you a little background on what I actually do for my research. The focus of my dissertation is examining phosphorus dynamics in wetlands restored from agricultural soils. In lamen’s terms I look at theContinue reading “Groundhog Day Field Work”